Writing our Yesterdays –
Why write about our Yesterdays?
…because everyone has a story and it’s waiting to be heard!
As a child, I watched a black and white TV program entitled I Remember Mama (check it out on YouTube). In storybook form, the program portrayed the story of a Norwegian family living in San Francisco at the turn of the twentieth century. The oldest daughter, Katrin loved sharing family stories and did it with such simplicity. As a child, I was hooked! I was going to grow up like Katrin and do the same thing! I was going to write my story!
Sharing Our Todays –
Todays, Memories & More
My ‘todays’ seem to creep into my memoir. I’m often writing on something that has just happened or is about to. On the other hand, quotes, thoughts, funny jokes, and very often scripture can be part of my ‘todays,’ and hence my blog.
Sharing My Heart –
My Sharing / Caring Ministry
For many years, I was focused on the busyness of life being a wife and a mother, too busy to notice that others around me were hurting. But several years ago, through some personal trials and struggles, I became aware of women who needed to be encouraged, who needed to know they were not alone in their pain.
So what did I do? I gave birth!
My Sharing/Caring speaking ministry was born and it has been an exciting and enriching part of my life.
Me & My Books –
About Ruth
Currently living in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, Ruth is married to Doug, her high school sweetheart! She is the mother of three adult children and Nana to three grandchildren. She lived her primary years in the hub of Toronto where the world of writing entered her life. The question of Why I Want a Dog at a Canadian National Exhibition contest was duly answered and chosen from among 15,000 letters. An English cocker spaniel puppy, dubbed Susie, entered Ruth’s life and her love for dogs began.
"SHARING and CARING...it’s what LIFE is all about!"
Recent Blog Posts
My most recent Blog's
“After all, tomorrow is another day!”
Her name was Susie, a beautiful black and white purebred American Cocker...
Time For Some Levity
Yes, it’s definitely time for some levity! Now, don’t get me wrong, I certainly...
Finding the Necessary Respite and Inspiration
January is over and none too soon, as far as I’m concerned! Days with minus twenty...