SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

Blessed and Enriched

Posted by on Aug 31, 2018 in Blog, Food for Thought, Quotes | 2 comments

Early morning at MBC beach, undisturbed by human footprints

Early morning at MBC beach, undisturbed by human footprints

Like all summers that come to an end at Muskoka Bible Centre, the common phrase heard and spoken by many over the past couple of days has been, “I can’t believe the summer’s almost over.” Or, “Where has the summer gone?” Unlike last summer—weather-wise— these past two months at MBC have been exceptionally glorious: warm, sunny days and beautiful evenings filled with the drifting smell of campfires (when allowed!). And, although one of God’s beautiful creations, the deer left my hosta plants alone this year! Yes, we had the odd storm, but after the heat in July, the rain was much needed and my flowers and garden flourished. Even so, all good things do come to an end, and so it is with the summer months at our trailer.


It would be remise of me to focus just on the weather and not comment on the feeding from God’s Word. Excessive heat or the welcomed coolness that rain brings, did not interfere with the profound teaching that has enriched so many. What a privilege to have this blessing each year. So, as in the past, I’d like to share some quotes that I’ve noted while sitting under the ministry of godly men, along with a few other thoughts I’ve gleaned from readings that I’ve done over the summer.oil bible

• The longer we live ‘horizontally’ (for self) instead of ‘vertically’ (for Christ), the worse off we are. Over time, instability results and this has a direct affect on our souls and our fellowship with God.
• We were created to be dependent. If we are not dependent on God, we are dependent on something else and it quickly becomes an idol.
• Instead of worshipping ‘stuff,’ we need to worship God.
• If you walk in pride and arrogance, you will quench the Spirit of God within you from using your ‘weakness’ to reveal God’s power. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).
• When we live as though we are not in need, we slowly drift from God. Pride creates this spiritual drift and we don’t fully embrace that we are needy.
God’s Word
• God’s power is beyond our capability to understand it. It is never wrong to say there is Power in the Word because it is God’s revelation!
• We must be Word centred and God focussed!
• Tampering with God’s Word is a fool’s exercise. “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar” (Proverbs 30:5-6).
• There is no verse in Scripture that tells us to put unadulterated trust in another human being.
• The Bible is about Jesus. He is pictured or prophesied about in each of the 66 books, as well as in countless lives throughout the Bible.
• The Bible is so much more than a boring book of rules and regulations and stories of plagues and punishments. The Bible is about Jesus and his love for us, and every chapter is a scene in the epic romance between God and humanity.
• What you think about God has absolutely no relevance to who He is!
• Don’t be flippant in calling God, ‘Father’! Unless Jesus Christ is your Saviour, God is not your Father.
• Nothing will stop God from doing exactly what He will do.
• Human metaphors for God: farmer, lawyer, judge, potter, shepherd, king, father…
• Nonhuman metaphors for God: rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, stronghold, light, lion, bear, eagle, mother hen, consuming fire…
• The only attribute to God that is repeated 3 times in Scripture: holy, holy, holy!
• Our God is so great, so gracious, He is worth craving!
• God brings us low… never to punish us but always to empty us of self.
• It’s a serious thing to shake our heads and walk away [from God]. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).
• Following a watered-down Christ results in nothing!
• God didn’t comfort you in your suffering to be comfortable. He comforted you to be a comfort to others.  “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3). So imitate God!
• In times of testing and darkness, it is critical to stay close to Jesus.
• God uses suffering to reveal our hearts, who we really are and where we go when in pain.
• A quote from John Piper:  “Suffering seems to be one of the great instruments in God’s hands to continue to reveal to us our ultimate dependence on him and our ultimate hope in him, despite our circumstances.”
• A quote from Billy Graham written in my Bible many years ago: “I truly believe that the lot of those that suffer is more enviable than the people who seem to be set apart, untouched, like a piece of fine china in a locked cabinet. Without the dark clouds in our lives, we would never know the joy of sunshine. We can become callous and unteachable if we do not learn from pain.”
From the human perspective: Do you have a friend that can speak into your life plainly, without being offensive and still remain friends? Your spouse should be your best friend, but you need other friends.
• A quote from Paul Tripp: “The peace and rest for which your heart longs is never found in people and things but in the presence and power of Jesus Christ.”
• Self-talk… Nobody talks to you more than yourself! This [conversation] needs to be interrupted by Jesus Christ!
• Many wander from Jesus because He was never really in their hearts. Pay careful attention to what you’ve heard so you won’t drift away.
• We long for peace because God created us for peace, communion and fellowship with Him. He created something beautiful and unique in man because we are image-bearers of Himself.


And so it goes… Forgive the lengthy post, but the list is endless.  I trust that what has been shared may cause you to pause and think… even for a moment… over one or two comments.



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  1. Ange Bunch

    Not surprisingly, I wrote down many of the same gems from the amazing preaching this summer! Thanks for compiling these.

    “The door to obedience is a low one.”

    • Ruth Waring

      Ange, I’ve had many conversations over the past couple of days that focussed on this last week of preaching/teaching that resulted in SO much more I could have shared. Sadly, my blog is just not big enough:) Glad we finally had time together to share our common interest in writing. And very nice to welcome you to my blog page!

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