SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

“But, God…”

Posted by on May 23, 2024 in Blog, Food for Thought | 2 comments

If you’ve ever read a portion of the Bible and found yourself troubled by its meaning, be assured you’re not alone. Portions of Scripture can be confusing, so much so that you might find yourself guessing at its meaning, even wondering how or if it applies to your daily life. And perhaps it’s for this reason that many attempts have been made to bring understanding and clarity to the Bible. For example, I remember my brother and his wife owning a large painting that hung in their home depicting the meaning of Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:13-14:

“Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life,
and only a few find it.”

I appreciate the importance of art with respect to the Scriptures—Michelangelo is a classic example of how art brings Scripture to life. For me, story also brings clarity, meaning, and purpose. The following is my attempt at understanding what God is teaching us in Psalm 46:10 and what Jesus is teaching in Matthew 7:13-14 through story.


“Where are you, God?” she cried as she hugged her knees to her chest. “I beg You, remove this darkness that surrounds me, it’s more than I can bear. I’m so alone.” She knew the way but fear enveloped her, held her captive in the blackness. The battle was too great. And then… she felt it, she felt the darkness fall away, no longer tugging at her soul and her breath came easier.

She watched from afar as a wall cracked open and a piece of board fell away. A second board fell, and then a third that left an opening, a gaping doorway. She saw from the distance a path, a very wide path with many walking on it. narrow pathShe heard a movement and a human form stood not far from her, near the opening, head bowed. What beauty, she thought, until it raised its head slowly, deftly, insidiously, and faced her. She cringed beneath its beastly stare and watched in horror as masses of men and women, boys and girls moved in amoeba fashion toward the beast, bowing, worshipping.

And then she knew…she knew!

“Don’t go near,” she cried to the masses. But no one heard her. “Don’t go near,” she cried again. “It’s meant to deceive.  There is no life beyond the door. It will destroy. Don’t be fooled.”

It was as though she had no voice and the beast smiled at her flailing arms and helpless call. And then, with obscene laughter, it disappeared through the door, far from her, onto the wide and crowded path.

“Don’t go,” she called to the masses a third time. “Stay where it’s safe! Stay on the narrow path!” Many looked at her and shook their heads, mocking her before turning to join the throng of guileless souls. She watched as each step lost them further into the shadow of the beast, into the darkness.

She crouched down far from the door, far from the intense noise, far from the beast. Her fear returned and she cried out in her solitude, “I’m so helpless, I’m so alone!”

“Not so, my child. I am here with you.”

“But God…”

“Yes, I am God, now be still.”

“But God, where were you?”

“Beside you, child, all through your pain and fear. With each step you took I walked close by your side. I felt your fear. I felt your pain.

“But God, you don’t understand!”

Ah, but I do. I have felt the sting and pain of rejection and mocking by those whose lives I came to change, to offer them new life, the life I have given to you.”

“But, God, I can’t do this alone! I tried to warn…”

“I know you can’t, and I know you did that is why I have stayed so near. I would not have brought you this far and then left you to yourself. The enemy is real and decisively cruel. He is ready to strike again, but he can never own you now. You are mine. I will shield you; I’ve sealed your life with mine.”

“But God, I…”

Girl shadow in door“Hush my child. There’s nothing more to say. I AM  is here. Be still and know that I am God. Rest in me.”

A narrow door opened behind her and she went through it.


My intent is nothing more than to simplify—for my own understanding—the lesson Jesus was teaching to His audience, then, and to us, today. There are, in fact, two paths with two different destinations: one leads to eternal life and the other to eternal judgment. Jesus was teaching that the path to destruction is wide, easy and well-travelled while the path to life is narrow and less travelled. It all comes down to an individual  choice: which path to take.

 ” For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:17).


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  1. Sharon

    Oh Ruth. Is all I can say…
    What a picture !!!!! Oh that everyone I know could read this !! We have a Saviour!!!!

    • Ruth Waring

      Sharon, thank you for seeing what I see through ‘story.’ God’s Word is so precious to me that I feared being misunderstood. But as one friend shared on FB, God’s love, mercy, protection and presence can be felt! Thanks so much for ‘seeing’ it as I hoped it would be seen! Just by way of interest, let me share that most writers who are story tellers will tell you that they ‘see’ their characters, that their characters become ‘alive’ to them. That, as the ‘story’ unfolds, there is a picture that forms in their head: a scene, a face, even the family dog! Writers often ‘hear’ a character’s voice, understand their likes and dislikes, their fears. Sometimes it’s a bit scary…even putting into words here…but at the same time, it’s very real! I felt a lot of that in sharing this ‘story,’ and I have to admit I felt an overwhelming sadness. But out of it all I felt ‘hope.’

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