SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

It’s Been a Great Summer

Posted by on Aug 27, 2024 in Blog, Books, Food for Thought, Quotes | 4 comments

blockThere’s an understanding in the writing world that a blank page can be a writer’s nightmare—whether on an old fashioned typewriter, a notebook, or a computer screen. It’s called writer’s block. Often those dreaded moments can be fed by the belief that one’s writing is unworthy of being read. But in order to move ahead, a writer must strive to battle through the frustration, anxiety, and self-doubt that emanates from the negative experience of the blank page or screen.

On the other hand, the blank screen and the overwhelming feeling of being stuck can be an opportunity to pause, to consider a topic, a phrase, a simple word…or a book that can push you into writing something thought provoking. Instead of focusing on the countless rules and perfectly structured sentences, considering something you’ve heard or read can stir the pot—as it were—to create something noteworthyaha 1, satisfying even yourself.

Such has been the case for me this past month, a blank screen, accompanied by frustration and loss of confidence that I could truly have something worthy to say. Then that wonderful aha moment…Why not just share from my heart!

These past two months at Muskoka Bible Centre (a.k.a MBC, our summer get-away since the mid 80s) have been full of moments when a particular topic, a phrase, or a book have caused me to pause and think. I’ve listened to godly men and women share the gospel, discuss the role of Bible-believing Christians in our world today, and share how we can strengthen our own spiritual journey from a biblical worldview perspective. Throughout the summer I have been challenged to rethink my understanding of certain passages of scripture that have been part of my life for decades, passages and verses that I thought I fully understood. The result has been a deeper appreciation for how much more there is to learn in God’s Word.

bookIn the book, When Words Matter Most: Speaking Truth with Grace to Those You Love by Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser, I was reminded of the importance of choosing the right words at the right time. As shared by the authors, their book is “about the conversations that matter most when fellow believers struggle spiritually.” When it comes to sharing the love of Christ, when it comes to speaking “God’s truth in love to one another”— as God has called each of His children to do—the words we choose and to whom they are spoken must be covered with grace and love.

Equally, Marshall and Newheiser encourage us to be wise in how we share God’s faithfulness with a hurting believer. We must be discerning in how and what we share. In we read: “Our growth in spiritual discernment depends on our desire for wisdom, knowledge of the truth, and a willingness to test absolutely everything through the lens of that wisdom and truth.” Sharing the faithfulness and love of Christ with one who is struggling—choosing the right words at the right time—must be done with a spiritually discerning spirit. Fittingly, When Words Matter Most concludes with a prayer in Psalm 19:14,

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Beyond the influence and encouragement of such a book, many statements registered a TEN with me and are worth sharing:
★ The kingdom of God is larger than any political realm. No great leader will be the saviour of a nation. Only Christ can be that.
If Christians don’t stand up and speak out, Christianity will be lost forever.
★ It’s one thing to read someone’s opinion posted on the internet, but we must go back to the powerful God-centred, Christ-honouring, Holy Spirit-inspired Word of God for truth.
★ Always remember that God is in control, nothing can happen in our lives that is a surprise to Him.
★ We are forever loved and accepted by our heavenly Father. Despite what others may say about us, with God at the centre of our hearts, peace and joy will always be there.
Problems can make us better if we refuse to let them make us bitter.
★ If the world can be bold in their stupidity, Christians must be bold in sharing God’s righteousness.
And finally,
Theology without doxology (worship) is idolatry.
    Doxology without theology is useless.
    Theology with doxology is eternal life.

Such are some thoughts, statements, and challenges that now cover what was once a blank computer screen! There are many more, but suffice it to say, it’s been a great summer! God has been honoured and fellow believers have been blessed. It was/is the prayer of many that those who were struggling have been encouraged and that those not yet in a personal relationship with Christ have been challenged. Indeed, it’s been a great summer!


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  1. Sharon

    Thank you for your thoughts my dear friend…. And please keep writing!!!!!!!!!! I love to read your gift of words to us here and in your books!!! Waiting for the next one!!!!💕🙏

    • Ruth Waring

      It’s humbling to read such support and encouragement. Your friendship is special, beyond measure, and I ALWAYS appreciate the times we can spend together. Appreciate you SO much. Love and prayers!

  2. Sharon

    Words matter ! and that is so true. Indeed -it has been a great summer. I love how you express your faith and share it so beautiful thank you my friend.

    • Ruth Waring

      Sharon…what can I say but ‘thank you’ for your friendship, support and love. Your encouraging words are more helpful to me than I can tell you. I value our friendship even at a distance!

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