SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

Time For Some Levity

Posted by on Feb 23, 2025 in Blog, Food for Thought, Quotes | 2 comments

Yes, it’s definitely time for some levity! Now, don’t get me wrong, I certainly understand that our world is in turmoil, but we must be able to find something to smile about, if not laugh. So, this month, being the Love month, I want to do just that: make you smile, as well as leave you something to think about.

One of my joys in speaking with women at conference events is to share Christ and all that He means to me. Over the years, I’ve learned that in order to get and keep your audience’s attention, you must have a hook, part of your presentation that compels an audience to sit up and pay attention. According to the professionals who speak to this habit, the hook should come at the beginning of your talk where it can do the most good. I have fun with this, but I often (but not always!) break that rule and plant it in the middle of a presentation when I feel I am losing my audience, and sometimes to make a point.

Several years ago my brother, Doug sent me a story and said, “Hey, Ruth, maybe you could use this when you’re speaking!” After I finished reading it and rolling with laughter, I immediately planted it in the middle…yes, the middle!…of the presentation that I was currently working on (Understanding the Will of God). So let me ‘hook’ you with the story he sent me. Obviously, I take no credit for it, and I have since heard different versions of it. I did make some modest alterations, however, for my own purposes and application. By the way, this story is considered true, but I’ll let you be the judge.

A grand fatherly-type pastor of a small town was working in his flower garden in his front yard. He was known for his love of flowers and it was not unusual for him to be seen early in the morning weeding, pruning and sometimes even talking to his flowers.

cat in a treeOn this particular morning, he became aware of frantic meowing. He looked up and saw that his small kitten had climbed the tree on the front lawn and was stranded on a branch high above his head, obviously in great distress. Unfortunately, the tree was not sturdy enough to climb and the pastor had no way of helping this tiny creature. And then an idea came to him.

He hurried to his garage, collected the necessary items and proceeded to back his car out of the garage, stopping just beside the tree. He then took a long rope and after several attempts, was able to swing it over the branch. He pulled it slowly until he was able to knot the ends together. Then he tied the rope to his bumper, all the while smiling at his cleverness. He inched his car forward, watching as the branch began to bend ever so slowly. Then without warning, the rope snapped and the unfortunate kitten was catapulted like a stone from a slingshot, through the air out of sight.

The pastor felt terrible, but he realized there was not much he could do other than pray for the little creature. And when finished, he turned back to his gardening, albeit a bit forlorn.

Three days later, he met one of his parishioners in the grocery story in the pet food isle. He noticed several cans of cat food in her shopping cart and inquired about them, knowing that this lady had a strong aversion to cats. Without hesitation, she smiled and told him this story.

“Pastor, I think you know that my little Jessie has wanted a cat for quiet some time. I have been firm in my refusal. But three days ago, she came to me in tears, begging me to change my mind. Finally, I said this to her, ‘Jessie, you need to pray to God about having a cat and if it’s His will, then He will provide one.’ At that, she rushed out the back door and the next thing I knew she was down on her knees praying in the middle of the backyard. I knew exactly what she was asking God for, so, as I watched my little girl, I was mentally rehearsing what I would say to her when nothing came of her prayer.

“But—you won’t believe this, Pastor!—out of nowhere, a little kitten came flying through the air and landed right in the middle of my daughter’s lap! I stood in shock and disbelief. If I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it! You know what, Pastor, I figured that if it was God’s will that Jessie have a cat, who was I to go against God’s will?”

The Pastor smiled, tipped his hat and continued with his own shopping, shaking his head knowing that his next sermon would be on knowing the will of God.

There you have it, a little bit of levity in a troubled world! And I need to add that with my presentation having been recorded, I can never forget how the ladies laughed, not only at the conclusion of the story but part way through, having anticipated the ending! I think I lost them for just a moment…but only for a moment!

Now, before I conclude this post, you may know me well enough by now to know that I can’t leave God out of my blogs, or at least say something for you to think about and perhaps focus on Him. With that in mind, please spare me one more moment…

I take great delight in sharing laminated bookmarks that I make withbookmarks thoughts, quotes, and sometimes challenges from many sources. I try very hard to make them purposeful as well as useful. And it’s always my prayer that those who receive them will be reminded to live humbly before God, being totally dependent on and totally trusting in Him.

We do live in a troubled and complex world with the future seeming bleak and uncertain, but to quote a line of a song I’ve shared before: “I know not what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.” There is comfort in those words!

Have a blessed day and remember, we have more winter behind us than we do ahead.


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  1. Sharon

    Aww thank you Ruth as always. What an encourager you are …we need a visit… 💕

    • Ruth Waring

      Sharon, you are SUCH a friend! And you are absolutely right…we need a visit. Let’s watch the weather and when it seems as though winter is finished with its assault, I will make a trip to see you, or you can come this way, and we will have a LONG visit over tea (maybe coffee for you!). Love you, my friend, and I look forward to a summer visits at the trailer!

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