SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!

There’s Worship and then There’s WORSHIP!

Posted by on Oct 30, 2020 in Blog, Food for Thought | 0 comments


WorshipThe author of a devotional entitled The Worship of God suggests that the word worship has taken on a new meaning: worshipping in song. This is evident in our modern churches where worship teams, choirs, or individuals lead in congregational singing. To support this, the author of Psalm 100 encourages us to “Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs” (v.v. 1-2). It is quite clear that worshipping God through song not only brings pleasure to the human ear but is an intimate way of expressing love for and trust in the Creator of the universe.

But there’s more!

I never thought of singing as an act of obedience, but we are commanded to sing! “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:16). Not only are we obeying God by singing praises to Him, we are deepening our understanding of God’s Word, and through that increased knowledge, we are able to encourage others. Also, we are more prepared to do battle with sin and to face the unexpected trials that come into our lives. But we must never forget that it is to God and about Him that we sing. He is the object of our praise!

A week ago a friend on Facebook commented that during this pandemic she is listening more to Christian music and is able to remain focussed and encouraged during these difficult times. I shared with her that I have a selection of forty songs on my Ipod I’ve entitled Morning Gospel. These songs have become my go-to music most mornings—and often throughout the day. They bless and encourage me, as well as lift burdens that often hover, relentlessly.

Fernando Ortega, In The Morning

A few days ago in the early hours of the morning while it was still dark out, I was listening to this selection of music and reading my Bible. I’m not sure if it was the quietness, or the darkness, or my aloneness, or the fact that I just needed to tell God what was going on in my life, but whatever it was, I felt a peace that was almost unsettling. And I realized that I was worshipping in song even though I wasn’t singing! Does that sound strange to you?  I mean, isn’t worshipping something you do in church with other believers, singing together under the direction of a worship team or individual? And yet there I was sitting in the quietness and darkness of my living room, worshipping in song. The music was a powerful reminder of our Sovereign Holy God and what it means to come into His presence… into His chambers… into the garden, alone with God!

Vineyard Music, Holy, You Are Still Holy

Elvis Presley, In the Garden


As I listened, I Be Still and Knowfound myself becoming less focussed on the music and more focussed on the words and on the One who was the object of the song being sung. I laid my Bible aside, sat quietly, and felt a strong sense of who God is, what He has done for me, how He has always met my needs, and that He will never leave me nor forsake me.


Laura Story, Blessings

I was reminded of the sacrifice Christ has made for humankind, and yet there are so many who have made the choice not to know Him personally, have even chosen to mock Him. And there are others who once walked in fellowship with the Lord but have turned their backs on Him and walked away. Knowing all that Christ has done, still they have just walked away, perhaps left to answer Christ’s unspoken question: “What will you do?”

Dallas Holm, What Will You Do?

When life seems difficult and challenging, worshipping in song even when you are alone is a reminder that God is in control. We often say, “God is in control”—sometimes rather loosely—but we need to believe it as truth and not just give that truth lip service! Worshipping in song helps make believing this possible.

If you’ve taken a moment to listen, I trust you were as blessed as I was in preparing this. And I’m sure you will understand the reason behind the title: There’s Worship and then There’s WORSHIP!

Have a blessed day! You are not alone!

Kari Jobe, I Am Not Alone

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