Fearless Faith and Bath Bombs
I read recently that children are the best teachers. Having a teacher’s heart, I found that comment very interesting, knowing that there was a time in history when “children were to be seen and not heard.” In its original form, this 15th century English proverb was specifically targeted toward young women who were expected to keep quiet. A later understanding seemed to soften the harshness of this expectation: “children should not speak among adults unless they are addressed and...
Read MoreHolding On or Letting Go
Not sure where Autumn went! There is no doubt that the colours this year were breathtaking and we did have a few sunny days, but the weather changed rather quickly from late summer days to early wintry mornings. And as though to add insult to injury, Sunday was the first day this season we had to clean snow off our car before leaving for church! So it seemed appropriate to complain to a stranger in the waiting room of my chiropractor’s office about the “cold, damp, windy day.” Trying to...
Read MoreThe Other Side of ‘Seeing is Believing’
Sitting in the eye doctor’s office this past week, I noticed a poster with the caption, Seeing is Believing. I smiled and thought how appropriate, given whose office I was sitting in. The following day I was waiting for my appointment at the chiropractor’s office and read another poster: Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Not sure how those words related to my chiropractic care, but they resonated with me simply because the weekend following Thanksgiving I will be speaking...
Read MoreBlessed and Enriched
Like all summers that come to an end at Muskoka Bible Centre, the common phrase heard and spoken by many over the past couple of days has been, “I can’t believe the summer’s almost over.” Or, “Where has the summer gone?” Unlike last summer—weather-wise— these past two months at MBC have been exceptionally glorious: warm, sunny days and beautiful evenings filled with the drifting smell of campfires (when allowed!). And, although one of God’s beautiful creations, the deer...
Read MoreWhen the Unexpected Happens
To say that Doug and I enjoy feeding the birds at our summer trailer would be an understatement. Syrup water for the hummingbirds; niger seed for the red and yellow finches and chick-a-dees; black sunflower seeds for the blue jays, mourning doves, nuthatches, woodpeckers and very often the chick-a-dees; and various flavours of suet for anyone who can get to the cage first. Of course peanuts are a must for the woodpeckers and the occasional nuthatch. This year we’ve had families of blue jays,...
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