SHARING and CARING…it’s what LIFE is all about!


Intentionality: A Two-Way Victory

Posted by on Jan 30, 2016 in Blog, Food for Thought, Quotes | 2 comments

Intentionality: A Two-Way Victory

It’s hard to believe that January has already come to an end and I can’t help wondering…How many individuals have already “come to an end” with their month-old New Year’s Resolutions? I also can’t help wondering…Why? Is it due to procrastination? Laziness? Has a person simply lost interest? Or is it from setting too high an expectation? Rather than face failure, perhaps it’s easier to simply ignore what has become self-inflicted misery. Either way, I refuse to...

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For Unto Us a Son is Given

Posted by on Dec 23, 2015 in Blog, Food for Thought, Quotes | 4 comments

For Unto Us a Son is Given

Throughout the year—and especially at Christmas—I love to listen to Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane. A powerful song! And no one better than Russ Taff to sing it! Earlier this month I was reminded of that song through a portion of When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado and I’d like to share this quote and the song as my Christmas gift to you! Be blessed! If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have...

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Dogs, a Cat…and a Swan?

Posted by on Nov 30, 2015 in Blog, Food for Thought, Memories, Quotes | 6 comments

Dogs, a Cat…and a Swan?

During my childhood years and beyond—before leaving home and marrying Doug—I had three dogs: two well-mannered and placid Cocker Spaniels, Susie and Susie II, and Rex, a determined, high-spirited Cockapoo who defied gravity and continually jumped our fence for the grass that was always greener on the other side. Fortunately I married a dog-lover (I knew that the day Doug won me a stuffed poodle at the CNE when I was sixteen!). So it was no surprise that just a few weeks after purchasing our...

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Expectations vs Reality

Posted by on Oct 31, 2015 in Blog, Food for Thought, Quotes | 1 comment

Expectations vs Reality

Sometimes words keep circling in my head like a revolving door and, more often than not, I’m unable to ignore them. Expectations is one of those words. In checking the dictionary, I discovered that some words linked to expect and it’s derivative are: hopes, desires, trust, anticipation…leaving me with the thought that when we expect something, it’s usually with a positive attitude, expecting positive results: Being able to get up in the morning to face another day. Having food in...

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Treasures to be Shared

Posted by on Sep 29, 2015 in Blog, Food for Thought | 1 comment

Treasures to be Shared

Sometimes quotes cross my desk that just need to be shared— found by accident when I’m looking through some old papers or received in an email or the old-fashioned snail-mail—and I find myself pausing and reflecting on what I’ve just read. I found the following treasure [see footnote for author] in a collection of papers that belonged to my best friend who is no longer with us, and I felt compelled to share it! I have learned: that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is...

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Posted by on Aug 29, 2015 in Blog, Family, Food for Thought | 1 comment


…and I’m not talking about the change you find in the bottom or your purse or in the pocket of an old pair of jeans, or what you keep in your car for parking metres or grocery carts. I’m not talking about a change of clothes after a sweaty workout or the refreshing change in the weather after a hot spell. I’m talking about the change that comes from choice. Having said that, allow me to digress for just a moment and speak to the change that comes when there has been no choice. In...

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