Visiting Never Never Land
Do you dream…I mean really dream? I’m not referring to those daydreaming moments when you drift off into la-la land during a sermon at church or when you’re enroute from point A to point C and you don’t remembering passing point B. And I’m not referring to the dream of winning the multimillion dollar lottery or the dream a mother dreams when she holds her firstborn child, tucks her children into bed at night or embraces her grandchildren. (That kind of dream is filled with an emotion...
Read MoreThe ‘Death’ of a Hero
Lance Armstrong said it all in his interview with Oprah Winfrey this past week: He lied. He cheated. His narcissistic behaviour “bullied and betrayed people who supported and believed in me.” Despite believing he was “invincible,” he brought shame to his Livestrong Foundation and has been dropped by all his sponsors. At one point, Oprah asked him if he hadn’t have been ‘caught’ (via the fallout of the confession of a former team member) would he have confessed. He admitted...
Read MoreIs Telling The Truth Ever Optional? – Part II
…continued from my last post, with apologies for the length… I seldom read The Toronto Star; on the other hand, Doug devours it whenever he has opportunity to read a copy, especially the Friday and Saturday editions. Filling in time during a TV commercial, I took the front page of the January 11th Friday edition from his lap. The heading had caught my eye: “Spence resigns as plagiarism scandal widens.” Plagiarism: an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and...
Read MoreTruth is a Rare Thing – Part I
I love to write! It’s a passion that has grown over the past fifteen or twenty years, and my only regret is that it didn’t happen sooner. If my high school English teacher still had his feet on this earth’s soil and if he learned that I was a published author or that I’d dare make the statement that I love to write…well, Mr. Johnston would probably laugh outrageously! Why? Because it wasn’t my passion in school. Oh, I liked the mechanics of writing, the sentence structure,...
Read MoreRemembering and Looking Back
Guessing can be frustrating especially for the one doing the guessing, and especially when the answer is beyond one’s imagination! Well, guess anyway! What did I do yesterday? Give up? I think you should :~) Fighting a cold for 5 days (thankfully, not the flu!), I’ve spent far too much time in front of the TV. Yuk! What a waste of time…until yesterday! Are you ready for this?! I watched a replay of the 6th game of the 1992 World Series between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Atlanta Braves....
Read MoreThe Love Behind the Gift
Have you been asked…dare I say…the infamous question, “What do you want for Christmas?” Did you respond like me, with a blank stare because you have absolutely no idea what you want because you don’t need anything? Unfortunately, suggesting something sensible, like a bottle of vitamins, just doesn’t cut it Funny enough, when I’m asked that question, it doesn’t take many minutes before I’m humming the little childhood jingle… All I want for Christmas is my two front...
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