Beauty Is As Beauty Does
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essay XII Art). In a world where beauty appears to be shallow, external and almost worshipped, I believe Mr. Emerson’s reminder is right on point: if we can’t find our inner beauty, we’ll never find beauty elsewhere. Next week a friend and I will embark on our second year of leading a women’s Bible study. Our topic this year is Developing a passion for knowing God...
Read MoreBeing Reminded to Remember Who My GPS Is
I know that’s a strange title, but it summarizes my summer, simply and perfectly. I’ve spent July and August at our-home-away-from-home, at our trailer on Mary Lake in Huntsville. To be fair, our trailer is not ‘on’ the lake, rather in a trailer park at Muskoka Bible Conference (MBC), 12 minutes south and west of Huntsville, Ontario. Spending 9 weeks here (since I am still here!) has been a privilege, and I must add that I have an amazing husband who has giving me his blessing during...
Read MoreThankful Every Day
Would you agree with me that everyday should be Thanksgiving Day? Perhaps that might seem easy for me to say as I sit in the warmth of eighty-degree sunshine in Florida while my family and friends continue to battle winter…although it is now spring! I feel privileged to be here but don’t discount the discomfort others are facing back home. The ‘thanksgiving’ thought occurred to me just now as I continue developing a two-year old manuscript. I’ve just written a Thanksgiving scene...
Read MoreHow We Measure Success
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” So says the Scriptures in Joshua 1 verse 8, and it ties in nicely to a recent challenge by our adult Sunday school teacher. The question put to us was, What is success and how is it measured, or should we measure it at all? I immediately thought of a definition I read in a missionary’s letter back in the...
Read MoreTo Milk or Not to Milk…That is the Question!
My husband laughs at me when I tell him I want to milk a cow. He doesn’t laugh in a ridiculing way; he just has this way of smiling with an almost invisible shake of the head. There is no rational explanation as to why I want to do this. I just do. Maybe it’s because I should have been born on a farm back in the 1800s, like Laura Ingalls. The problem with that concept is that I’d starve. How could I possibly eat what I’ve named, fed, petted or raised? And the whole idea of beheading,...
Read MoreWhen Life Throws You a Curve
I can think of many pleasant ways I could have ended this past busy work week: dinner with friends, a movie (if there’s one worth watching these days!), or enjoying an evening with my husband who had just returned home from a ten-day visit with our son in BC. And since the flip of the calendar welcomes not only a new month but sees me celebrating my birthday, I can also think of much more pleasurable ways to end a decade of my life than a visit to the emergency room at our local hospital....
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